7 Home Selling Secrets

7 Home Selling SecretsTake a drive through any neighborhood this time of year and you’ll notice a recurring theme – “For Sale” signs eagerly beckoning passersby from lawn after lawn. But have you ever wondered why some houses seems to fly off the market just as quickly as they come on, while others sit month after month? If you’re getting ready to sell your home, or even just thinking about it, here are 7 ways to attract buyers and get that seemingly effortless sale.

Fix potential deal-breakers. While you shouldn’t invest a ton of money before listing your home, you should take care of problems that could creep up during an inspection and quickly kill a deal. Plumbing leaks, outdated electrical wiring, roof leaks, etc., should be addressed before putting your house on the market.

Give the kitchen and bathrooms a face lift. Completely overhauling a kitchen or bathroom doesn’t come cheap. But an overly dated kitchen can scare off would-be buyers. Spend your money wisely by painting old cabinets, replacing fixtures and hardware, or updating old appliances.

Know when to call in a pro. Remember, time is money. And if it’s going to take you 4 weekends or time off from work to paint each room or refinish the floors, you’re probably better off just hiring a professional. They can get your home in tip-top shape in no time. Once the upgrades are completed, hire a professional real estate photographer to show off your home in the best possible light.

Give it a deep clean. You might have become blind to the dust on the baseboards and cob webs in the corner, but savvy buyers will see it all as if it were flashing in neon. Whether you do it yourself or hire a service, make sure you home is cleaned from top to bottom, including cabinets, closets, and basements.

Make (and keep) it show-ready. Thin out about 50% of the items from your cabinets, closets, and shelves. Keep decorative items to a minimum, and spruce up your rooms with new bedding, couch cushions, or an area rug. And because you never know when you’ll get a showing request, never leave the house without first tidying up.

Make a great first impression. Have your house power-washed if needed, make sure all windows are sparkling clean, and freshen up your landscaping.

Price it right the first time. While it can be difficult to put a price tag on the place you’ve called home for so many years, overpricing it can have disastrous results. To prevent your home from sitting on the inventory shelf month after month, consult a real estate professional and study your local market to determine the best price point.

Here’s something else to keep in mind.  Studies show that buyers are willing to invest more in a safe and secure home.  So be sure your home security system is up to date, including your monitoring service.  Don’t already have a home security system?  Contact Now Security Systems today for a free in-home evaluation and price quote to see how quickly and affordably you can make your home that much more attractive to would-be buyers.