How to Protect Yourself Against Home Burglaries

Protect Yourself Against Home BurglariesThey say timing is everything? Well how’s this for timing: one American home is burglarized, on average, every 15 seconds. The average haul? About $2,000 worth of cash, jewelry, electronics, and more.

When you read statistics like that, all thoughts suddenly go to installing or beefing up your home security system. Is that enough protection to keep you out of the every-15-seconds group? Probably not. That’s why Now Security Systems presents these additional suggestions for keeping the burglars out, and your valuables in, right where they belong:

  • Keep your bushes and shrubs well-trimmed to make them less desirable and effective hiding places.
  • Use window treatments to keep valuable items out of view, or don’t put them near windows in the first place.
  • Don’t advertise new luxury purchases by putting the big boxes they came in out on the curb with the rest of your trash. This is especially important during the holiday season.
  • Call your home electrician and ask him about such home security options as motion-sensitive lighting, footpath lighting, keypad lighting, and more.
  • If you travel extensively or frequently arrive home after dark, consider installing one or more timers to automatically turn on your lights to always maintain the impression that someone is home.
  • Since the majority of home burglaries take place at ground level, you want the best protection possible in the form of wood or stainless steel doors, dead bolt security locks, keeping your windows locked, and so on.

And yes, by all means consider adding or beefing up your home security system, where a burglar alarm system is just one of several available options. For more information or to schedule a free in-home quote, contact Now Security Systems today.