How to Make the Most of National Family Month.

National Family Month.Families come in all shapes and sizes. Whether it’s a single parent and child, three generations living under one roof, or a blended family – no matter – a family is made up of people who love, encourage, and support each other unconditionally.

Every year, the five-week span between Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day is officially designated as National Family Month. Created by KidsPeace and recognized by Congress in 1998, National Family Month provides an opportunity for parents, grandparents and caregivers to recognize the importance of family involvement in the lives of their children. Because it coincides with the end of the school year, National Family Month also encourages families to spend time together, renew relationships, and grow and strengthen the family unit over summer vacation.

Here are 5 simple ways to spend more quality time with your family this month, and all year long.

Start a new tradition.

Whether it’s hosting a cousins’ sleepover the last Friday of the month, a Sunday family dinner, or planting an annual vegetable garden, traditions connect and give us something to look forward to and pass down to future generations.

Reach out to extended family.

If you have family that you see seldom see, reach out to them. In today’s world, there’s no excuse for not staying connected.

Get the kids involved in household chores.

While they might not be so eager to dust or fold the laundry, involving kids in household chores at an early age will foster responsibility and help instill a strong work ethic. Plus, since many helping hands make for lighter work, everyone can enjoy more time together when the chores are completed.

Give your family your undivided attention.

Put a ban on electronics during family time. The emails, phone calls, and games can wait, as can other distractions. Being physically and emotionally present for 30 minutes is more impactful and important than being physically present but distracted for 2 hours.

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