Where to Hide Spare Keys

There are several reasons to hide a spare key outside your premises: for your child to gain entry when you’re not home, in the event you lose your key, to allow a trusted service provider direct access, and so on. It’s a matter of convenience and avoiding the expense of hiring a locksmith.

On the other hand, leaving a spare key in an overly obvious spot or one well known to burglars could prove to be a very costly mistake. So where should you hide it?  Here a few creative suggestions.

Hide Spare Keys

  • Bury a fake but realistic-looking sprinkler in the ground, one that really is a key holder. But this only works if you have other sprinkler heads in the ground.
  • If you live in a house with a lot of tree coverage, most people wouldn’t think to check the trees for a key. Pick a tree far from your house and drive a nail into it on the side facing away from your house and hang the key on the nail. Or, place the key in a plastic holder and hide inside an open tree knot.
  • You could always leave a key with your neighbor.  The trick is, they must be home when you get there; otherwise, you’ll need a key to their house.
  • A similar, yet more secure option is a hitch receiver lock box. Obviously, it only works if your car has a hitch receiver, but it’s significantly more secure as it locks the contents behind a four-digit combination. You can also store a spare key for your car in a hitch safe without the fear of someone driving off with your vehicle.
  • Or, how about in a magnetic lock box under your car? When you’re not home, neither is your key.  This approach doesn’t do much for the service provider or your child but works wonders if you lose your own keys.
  • Yu know what burglars hate? Dogs. Especially loud ones. They don’t want to go near them. So hide the key under the dog house to keep it safe.

Even if a burglar can’t find your spare key and goes elsewhere, wouldn’t you still want to know that an attempt had been made? If so, contact Now Security Systems about security cameras to enhance your home security system. That way, you can keep an eye on your home even when you’re not there.