A Burglar Shares His Trade Secrets

What’s the best way to know what and how a burglar thinks so you can better protect your home? Just ask one!

Easier said than done? Not really. In fact, many burglary professionals have been all too happy to share their trade secrets over the years, and we’re now pleased to share some of them with you.

What Burglars Look For!

A Burglar Shares His Trade Secrets

  • It’s not just one house that interests them – they scope out entire neighborhoods to get the lay of the land.
  • Many come wearing work clothes and sometimes even a service uniform to better blend in. If they like the look of your house at first glance, they might even leave a flier or door hanger. That also helps them see if you have a burglar alarm.
  • Burglars prefer homes with high privacy fences to prevent neighbors and passersby from spotting them.
  • The more outdoor vegetation you have, the happier they are. Especially when it’s time to break into your home.
  • Do you have outdoor playground equipment or tend to leave your kids’ toys outside a lot? Guess what? That tells a burglar a mom lives there, and that indicates the presence of jewelry.

How Burglars Break into Your Home. 

  • How else? They knock on your door to see if you’re home. If you are, they’ll make something up and be on their way.
  • But what if you’re not home! They’ll check the front and back door to see if either is unlocked. If both are, they’ll look in the usual hiding places for a spare key. If that attempt fails, they’ll look for an open window and, when all else fails, they’ll break a window or get through a door with a crowbar.   

Once Inside Your Home. 

  • The pros have their routines, which includes starting their search for cash, jewelry, or anything else of value in the master bedroom. They’re not shy about looking inside dresser drawers, under beds, and in closets either.
  • Your bathroom medicine cabinets are searched for narcotic prescription meds since those can be sold on the streets.
  • Next comes the kitchen and living room in their quest for electronics, credit cards, car keys, and personal information.
  • Once the loot has been hauled in, they call their back-up driver for their great escape.

So, just how vulnerable do you feel now? If the answer is “more than I’d like to,”, give us a call. We’re Now Security Systems and we’d be happy to show you easy and affordable it can be to keep burglars out for good. Why not contact us today.