Author Archives: admin

How to Get Your Home Ready for Spring.

Now that spring is in the air and virtually here, it’s time to start thinking about your spring home maintenance checklist. After all, once the grass starts turning green and the sun allows you to put your heavy clothing away, you’ll want to get busy doing your annual chores so you can enjoy as much time as possible outdoors.

And while many tasks certainly can’t be performed until the weather permits, there are plenty of pre-spring responsibilities you can tackle while you wait.

  • Home Ready for Spring.Take an inventory of your spring lawn care tools and equipment. Service gas or electric powered mowers, replace broken rakes, and sharpen cutting blades to make yard work easier.
  • Inspect window and door screens for damage and replace if necessary.
  • Check wooden window and door frames for cracks, gaps, or signs of wood rot and repair to prevent warm and cool air loss.
  • Inspect your siding for cracks, dents, bacteria growth, and peeling paint.
  • Check outdoor railings and decks for signs of wood rot or damage.
  • Conduct a visual inspection of your roof and repair or replace any loose or damaged shingles.
  • Make sure the gutters are securely fastened to your home and free of any debris so rain water can move freely.
  • If your chimney hasn’t been cleaned by a reputable chimney service in over a year, make that appointment now as the fireplace season is slowly winding down.
  • Take note of tree branches or shrubs that are beginning to encroach on your home and plan to trim them back.
  • Start a checklist of items that might need to be replaced, such as fences, decks, and even your home cooling equipment if it’s nearing the end of its effective lifespan, normally 15 – 20 years.

At the same time, what shape is your home alarm system in? Do you even use it anymore? If you still have the equipment but no longer employ a home security alarm management company, we invite you to give Now Security a call. We’re confident you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what we have to tell you, including new and more effective ways to keep an eye on your home and property, even while you’re at work or anywhere else away from home.

Now Security: ready and able to make you feel more secure in your own home environment.

Be Careful What You Post on Social Media.

Be Careful What You Post on Social Media.Even if we looked up “most careful person in the world” in the dictionary and found your picture adjacent to the definition, it’s still all too easy to tip off burglars and other unsavory characters that your home is ripe for the pickings on social media.

So first, just how involved are you on social media?  And for each such medium you engage on, do you know for sure who can see your posts, and who can’t?  The point is, it’s better to err on the side of caution when posting on social media than to risk an unwanted visit to your home.

Consider the following examples of what can and often does go on.

Attending Funeral Services

It’s not only common, but natural to share your grief with others at the passing of a friend, colleague or loved one.  But if someone replies to your post asking for details of the services, ask them to contact you offline.  Announcing where you’ll be, and when, is an open invitation to people intent on helping themselves to what’s rightfully yours.

“5 days until vacation!”

We Americans love to travel, and we love to tell the whole world not just where we’ve been, but where we’re headed.  A word to the wise:  it’s far better to share after the fact.  Otherwise, it’s like posting a neon side outside your home while you’re gone:  “On vacation.  Come on in and help yourself.

Digital Check-Ins

What socially hip and connected business doesn’t want you to check in on social media that you are currently on their premises? But what’s good for them can be disastrous for you and your home.  If you want to share the good news, once again wait until you’re home.  It’s much safer that way.

Property Damage & Repairs

A storm blows through and blows a hole in the side of your house or through your roof.  Well, there are a lot of things that can and must be done in the aftermath – say, like seeking solace on social media?  Bad idea, even if you have a home security system.  Because in doing so, you’re inviting thieves to come check out the damage for themselves to see if your home security system has been compromised in the process.

“Check out my new Picasso!”

Are you a collector of coins, antique jewelry, rare stamps, or artwork of any kind?  Social media loves you, if you are!  In fact, it’s calling to you:  “Come on, grace our site with the latest addition to your collection!”  If you do, just take great caution that your home and valuables are as well protected as they can be.

Okay, so you get the point.  Social media, for all the clear advantages and opportunities it present, also can be an open invitation to the dregs of society.  And that’s just one reason to contact Now Security today, even if you already have a home burglar alarm system.  If you do, we’ll check out it to see if there are any security gaps and recommend the best ways to do so.  Don’t already have a home security system?  We can recommend and install one absolutely consistent with your home, lifestyle, and budget.  And then back it up with our world class security management services.  Contact us today to learn more.

How to Enjoy a Better Night’s Sleep.

How you feel during the day depends on how well you sleep at night. A good night’s sleep helps decrease stress, helps the body heal, can help with weight loss; it even helps cut back on snacking during the day. And yet if you’re currently struggling to get one good night’s sleep after another, here are a few suggestions on how to break that cycle:

Enjoy a Better Night’s Sleep.Follow a schedule: Your body gets used to a schedule and comes certain behaviors to repeat themselves.  Disrupting the schedule means that your body will be less likely to be tired when you need it to be, and you won’t get the same benefits from your rest. Try not to sleep in on the weekends, and limit a nap to 30 minutes. Try to go to sleep at the same time every night. Even if you get woken up, or don’t fall asleep right away, you are creating a pattern that your body will remember.

Control your exposure to light: The brain knows whether it is time to be awake or asleep based on light exposure. That means getting outside during daylight hours, sitting by a window, or getting a light box for those early winter nights. At night, limit exposure to bright lights and screens 1-2 hour before bedtime. Bedtime means lights off; if you get up in the middle night, you’ll do better to keep lamps and overheads lights off and, instead, depend on night lights.

Get your exercise: Daily exercise improves sleep quality. Vigorous daily exercise is best, but even light walks 10 minutes a day will have a positive impact on your sleep patterns.  If you engage in strenuous exercise, time it so that your done at least three hours before bedtime to allow your body to wind down.

Wind down: If you are running around the house cleaning up, packing lunches for school, and switching around laundry before bed, this is the same as exercising too close to bedtime. Be sure to give yourself an hour of relaxation before lights out. This means listening to soft music, reading, meditating, or even just going through a bedtime ritual. Take a warm shower or bath, use aromatherapy lotions such as chamomile or lavender, change into pajamas, brush your teeth and hair, and then it’s off to bed you go.

You know what else helps people sleep better at night? A security alarm system monitored by a company you trust absolutely.  If you don’t have both going for you, then make this the day you contact Now Security for a free in-home analysis of your security alarm and monitoring needs.

How to Increase Your Home’s Resale Value

Home’s Resale ValueIf you’re planning on selling your home this spring, the time between now and then is likely to fly by in a heartbeat – or at least that’s how it will feel. That’s because, even if your home is in stellar condition, there are still multiple tasks ahead of you so it will show well and fetch the full amount you’re hoping to reap from the sale.

Here are some surefire and affordable ways to help make your home the one more prospective buyers will want to make their own.

Make a great first impression. While there’s not much you can do landscaping wise in January, you can still add some visual pop by hanging a seasonal wreath on your front door and making sure your yard is clear of needless clutter.

Deep clean the entire house. When it comes to selling your home, there’s no such thing as “too clean”. In addition to dusting, mopping, and vacuuming, tackle those rarely touched areas like windows, baseboards, blinds, and doorknobs. This is a great time to have your carpets steam cleaned, too.

Clear out the clutter. Less is more, so remove unnecessary items from tables, built-ins, and counters. Pack away overly personal items so that buyers can envision themselves and their loved ones in your home. And, believe it or not, potential buyers look in cabinets and closets when viewing a house. So get rid of or stored away items you no longer or rarely use so it doesn’t look like your home lacks storage space.

Improve your kitchen and bathroom. It’s no secret that kitchens and bathrooms sell, but gutting yours can cost a pretty penny. Instead, give them a facelift with some minor and inexpensive updates. Refresh tired cabinets with a coat of paint, update the hardware and fixtures, and add new lighting. A new shower curtain and some fluffy white towels will make your bathroom seem like a perfect retreat.

Tone it down. While you may love your deep purple walls, they may be a little much for a prospective buyer. Give your space a fresh, inviting look with a neutral coat of paint such as white, light grey, or tan. Even if your walls are trim are already painted in a neutral color, touch up any areas that have seen better days.

Tie it all in. Mismatched light switches, outlet covers, and doorknobs can make a home look dated. Update your space and make it look more cohesive by installing new ones.

You know what else appeals to prospective buyers? An integrated and well-managed home security system. At Now Security Systems, we offer expert installation to fit anyone’s budget, and affordable monthly monitoring packages. Contact us today to learn more how you can beef up your home security AND your home’s resale value at the same time.

How to Prepare Your House for Your Next Vacation.

Getting ready to set sail for a relaxing summer vacation?  Or, maybe the one you have planned Prepare Your House for Your Next equal parts high adventure and pool time?  The point is, if you’re going to be away from home for any length of time, you’ll want to make sure that you’ll be coming back to your house the way you left – un-ravaged and otherwise not violated by would-be intruders.

So from our house to yours, here are minimum steps you should take to get your home vacation ready:

  • Stop newspaper delivery OR have a neighbor or friend pick up your newspapers around the same time you would. The same goes for your mail.
  • Don’t already have deadbolt locks installed at every entrance? This is a great time to beef up your home security on that front.
  • If you have sliding glass doors but don’t have the kind of metal bars attached to them that you find at better hotels and resorts, that’s something else you’ll want to get installed.
  • Create the illusion that your home is occupied. There are numerous ways to do that, starting with leaving a car in your driveway but having a friend or neighbor park it in different locations to throw a burglar a little curve. You’ll also want lights on during the evening hours even if that means installing automatic timers or, once again, imposing on a close friend to turn them on and off for you at pre-arranged times.
  • Don’t broadcast your vacation plans on Facebook and other social media unless you’re 100% sure strangers don’t have access to your pages. And even then, can you ever be 100% sure?
  • Don’t leave your key in the mailbox, under your doormat, or anywhere else where it can easily be found. If you trust someone enough to come in and out of your home, trust them with a key they can hang onto while you’re gone.
  • Don’t order anything from Amazon or any other delivery service that could potentially be delivered while you’re away. The last thing you need is a package left sitting on your front doorstep or porch practically shouting “No one’s home!”
  • Assuming your windows have locks, is that really enough protection against a burglar determined to gain access to your home? You might want to look into installing burglar proof glass at least for those windows that can be accessed without a ladder or other climbing aid.

Don’t already have a home security system?  Well, there’s no better time than now to look into acquiring one.  But as you do, keep this in mind:  the company you engage is more important than the exact security system you have installed.  After all, what good is a home security system without a group of reliable professionals to install, maintain, and monitor it for you?  Virtually no good at all.

For more information and a free in-home quote, contact Now Security Systems today.

5 Home Inspection Pitfalls

If you’ve ever bought or sold a house, you know how nerve wracking the home inspection process can be. Just when you think you’re closer to owning (or selling) a home, the deal can grind to a screeching halt!  But while every home has some issues that need attention, they don’t have to put an end to an otherwise solid real estate transaction.

If you’re the seller, having an inspection prior to listing your home allows ample time to correct any problems before they even have a chance to scare potential buyers away. As the buyer, take some time to educate yourself on the most common home inspection findings.  That will put you in a better position to negotiate the repairs or purchase price while helping you determine where the squeaky wheels are that require priority attention.

Here are 5 of the most common home inspection issues to investigate as the buyer or seller:

  • 5 Home Inspection PitfallsSigns of Moisture. While not necessarily a deal breaker, any wet, rotted, moldy, or musty areas in the home could indicate a number of problems such as poor ventilation, grading or drainage issues, roof and/or chimney problems, and more.
  • Structural Problems. Most common in older homes, damage to foundation walls, and damaged or improperly installed floor joists and roof rafters, among other issues, could pose structural and safety concerns if not remedied.
  • Faulty or Undersized Electrical Systems. Outdated and overloaded systems, as well as dangerous wiring connections pose a fire hazard and most often need immediate attention.
  • Deficient Heating System. Broken controls, unsafe exhaust flues, cracked heat exchangers, and blocked chimneys not only represent inefficient heating but are also major health and safety concerns.
  • Poor Maintenance. Cracked or peeling painted surfaces, crumbling masonry, careless wiring or plumbing, and broken fixtures and appliances often reflect the overall lack of care that a home has received over the years.

If you’re the buyer and notice a home security alarm system, be sure to ask if the system is active, when it was installed, and who’s monitoring it.  Burglars are very aware of real estate transactions so you want to be sure the system is up-to-date and monitored by a reputable firm.  And if the home you’re interested in buying doesn’t already have a modern security alarm system?  Contact Now Security to arrange to have one installed even before move-in day – you’ll enjoy the added peace of mind and appreciate our extreme focus on helping to safeguard your home and family.

7 Don’ts of Home Design

The longer you live in your home, the more tempted you tend to become to give it your own personal stamp and make it better serve your family’s lifestyle. But think twice before plunging headlong into a project, especially if you’re concerned about your home’s eventual resale value.

Want the most bang for your buck when it does come time to tell? Then scratch any and all of the following home remodeling “don’ts” off your to-do list.

  • 7 Don’ts of Home DesignConverting a garage into living space. Finishing the basement or attic to gain extra living space is often a great idea. However, one unfinished space that you should not touch is the garage, especially if accommodates only one car. Even if buyers never plan to actually park their car in it, chances are they’ll still value and desire the added storage space it provides.
  • Making your home a little too accessible. More and more homeowners want a home they can keep for the long haul. And with walk-in showers, roll-out cabinets, and other “age in place” design trends, it’s becoming possible. However, it’s equally possible to pursue this trend to the extreme and, in the process, alienate a large pool of buyers. As such, you’ll do well to avoid converting all your baths to showers and lowering your cabinets and counter heights.
  • Underestimating the importance of lighting. If you have a dark room in your house, look for ways to brighten it up. Reflect natural light by hanging a framed mirror opposite the only window, add recessed and under-cabinet lighting, and set the mood with lamps and sconces.
  • Ignoring undesirable finishes. Those gold-toned door knobs and hinges might not bother you now, but when it comes time to sell, you can be sure potential buyers will notice. Bring your home into this decade by updating your fixtures.
  • Planting fruit trees. If you plan to stay in your home for a very long time, you might enjoy being able to grab a fresh apple or pear right from your back yard. However, most home buyers see fruit trees as a high maintenance pain in the neck that attracts bugs and rodents.
  • The wrong counter-top choice. While beautiful and quite popular right now, counter-top materials such as marble and soapstone require a good amount of maintenance and care. If you’re re-doing your kitchen, consider a more resilient surface like granite or engineered quartz.
  • Down-sizing the number of bedrooms. Have you been dreaming of expanding your master bedroom by combining it with an adjoining room? If so, you might be greatly reducing your home’s resale value at the same time. For example, in a neighborhood of mostly 3-bedroom homes, a 2-bedroom house will undoubtedly sell for less even though it has comparable square footage.

Now that we’ve given you 7 “don’ts” pertaining to your home and its potential resale value, here’s a major “do”: and that is, invest now in a home security system. That definitely adds value to your home. Plus, the new owners are free to switch home security management companies if they’re not satisfied with your choice – and all without having to replace the equipment. To learn more about a security alarm system for your home and the management services that with them, we invite you to contact Now Security Systems today.

7 Home Selling Secrets

7 Home Selling SecretsTake a drive through any neighborhood this time of year and you’ll notice a recurring theme – “For Sale” signs eagerly beckoning passersby from lawn after lawn. But have you ever wondered why some houses seems to fly off the market just as quickly as they come on, while others sit month after month? If you’re getting ready to sell your home, or even just thinking about it, here are 7 ways to attract buyers and get that seemingly effortless sale.

Fix potential deal-breakers. While you shouldn’t invest a ton of money before listing your home, you should take care of problems that could creep up during an inspection and quickly kill a deal. Plumbing leaks, outdated electrical wiring, roof leaks, etc., should be addressed before putting your house on the market.

Give the kitchen and bathrooms a face lift. Completely overhauling a kitchen or bathroom doesn’t come cheap. But an overly dated kitchen can scare off would-be buyers. Spend your money wisely by painting old cabinets, replacing fixtures and hardware, or updating old appliances.

Know when to call in a pro. Remember, time is money. And if it’s going to take you 4 weekends or time off from work to paint each room or refinish the floors, you’re probably better off just hiring a professional. They can get your home in tip-top shape in no time. Once the upgrades are completed, hire a professional real estate photographer to show off your home in the best possible light.

Give it a deep clean. You might have become blind to the dust on the baseboards and cob webs in the corner, but savvy buyers will see it all as if it were flashing in neon. Whether you do it yourself or hire a service, make sure you home is cleaned from top to bottom, including cabinets, closets, and basements.

Make (and keep) it show-ready. Thin out about 50% of the items from your cabinets, closets, and shelves. Keep decorative items to a minimum, and spruce up your rooms with new bedding, couch cushions, or an area rug. And because you never know when you’ll get a showing request, never leave the house without first tidying up.

Make a great first impression. Have your house power-washed if needed, make sure all windows are sparkling clean, and freshen up your landscaping.

Price it right the first time. While it can be difficult to put a price tag on the place you’ve called home for so many years, overpricing it can have disastrous results. To prevent your home from sitting on the inventory shelf month after month, consult a real estate professional and study your local market to determine the best price point.

Here’s something else to keep in mind.  Studies show that buyers are willing to invest more in a safe and secure home.  So be sure your home security system is up to date, including your monitoring service.  Don’t already have a home security system?  Contact Now Security Systems today for a free in-home evaluation and price quote to see how quickly and affordably you can make your home that much more attractive to would-be buyers.


March Must Dos for Careful Home Owners.

No matter how whacky and unpredictable the weather may be, one thing is certain – spring is just around the corner. And that means it’s time to start preparing your home for the change of season ahead. So throw open those windows, blast that music, and bring some organization back into your home after a long, semi-cold winter with these 8 March Must Dos.

  • Careful Home Owners.Take a walk around the exterior of your home and do a visual inspection of the roof, gutters, siding, foundation, and driveways. Make a plan to take care of any necessary repairs and start scheduling quotes as needed.
  • If you have a patio or deck, give it a thorough cleaning and check if any repairs are needed. Use a pressure washer to remove gunk and grime, and schedule a time to have it stained, painted, or sealed if necessary.
  • Pick up any broken branches and rake any leaves that you might have found their way onto your lawn. Get a jump on weeds before they germinate by applying an organic herbicide.
  • Clean your lawn furniture by spraying it with a hose or washing it with a mild detergent. Inspect metal furniture for rust or paint erosion and use a spray enamel to prevent further damage from the elements.
  • Make your house lighter and brighter by cleaning the windows inside and out. If you left screens on all winter, remove them, check for and repair any damage, and clean them with a mild detergent. Allow them to air dry on a flat surface before putting them back in place.
  • Celebrate daylight saving time by changing the batteries in all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. If you have a fire extinguisher, make sure the pressure is at the recommended level. And if you don’t have one, get one and familiarize yourself with how to use it.
  • Get a jump on spring cleaning and focus on those areas of your home that often get neglected, like baseboards, ceiling fans, window and door frames, and the tops of cabinets.
  • Organize a closet or bedroom that you’ve been neglecting all winter long. Purge what you no longer need or use and come up with a neat and practical storage solution for the rest.

How about your home alarm system? Does it contain all the elements to help you and your family feel safe in your own quarters? If you have any doubts or even just want a second opinion, contact Now Security today for a free and no-obligation review of your current system and/or your home security needs. We have all the technology and management expertise to give you the affordable and attentive home protection every family wants and needs.

Affordable Kitchen Makeover Ideas

Affordable Kitchen Makeover IdeasDo you find yourself browsing through home remodeling magazines wishing that your kitchen could look like the designer showpiece on page 72?  Conversely, does your kitchen look more like the setting of a 1980s sitcom than a granite and stainless steel show stopper?

Either way, you’re not alone. Kitchen remodeling is at the top of the to-do list for many home owners, especially in and around New Haven County where we have many older homes. But with the high cost of renovation – upward of $50,000 for a higher-end remodel – it’s not surprising that many homeowners decide to delay starting this project, sometimes indefinitely.

Fortunately, you don’t have to sacrifice your retirement income for a kitchen filled with modern style. A little creativity and a DIY attitude can turn your kitchen from lackluster to lovely without breaking the bank.

Add a pop of color.

Whether it’s a fresh coat of paint on the walls or cabinets – or colorful accents – a little color goes a long way. Apply the 60-30-10 rule when it comes to color; 60% of a main color, 30% of a complimentary color, and only 10% of an accent color.

Opt for inexpensive upgrades.

Update the cabinet hardware, lighting fixtures, and even sink and faucet to give your kitchen a face lift without a huge investment. Add in a few simple decorative accents and a new window treatment to pull the look together.

Rethink kitchen materials.

If your kitchen is begging for hard wood flooring or marble countertops but your checkbook begs to differ, consider more economical options like laminate or vinyl plank flooring. Today’s products are engineered for beauty, durability, and affordability, and come in countless design and color options.

Think outside the (big)box.

Check local flea markets and online swap sites for furniture and accessories. For example, an old cabinet or server could become your new kitchen island. Check local specialty stores for clearance, returned, or overstock items like tile remnants, lighting fixtures, and more.

Also, don’t forget to make room for a fire extinguisher either inside or nearby your remodeled kitchen.  According to the National Fire Protection Association, U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 162,400 home structure fires per year – from 2009-2013 – that involved cooking equipment.  A home fire extinguisher can help save your home and protect your family.  For more about home security and security monitoring, talk to the pros at Now Security System today.