Author Archives: admin

A Guide to Holiday Shopping for Kids

A Guide to Holiday Shopping for KidsIs there ever a bad or wrong time to start your holiday season shopping?  Of course not.

The idea is to do your shopping when it’s most convenient and when and where you find the best deals.  Equally important is establishing an up-front budget and sticking to it – assuming, of course, you care about such “little” details.

Well, here are a few more tips to the wise, especially when little ones occupy a big chunk of your holiday, birthday, or any other shopping list.

I want it! Ok, if the kids are saying I really want THAT, well, that’s a big hint! So keep a list of their wants and, every now and then, show it to them so they re-prioritize or even have you purge a list item or two, especially aftern you give them “We don’t always get everything we want” speech.

I need it! The practical present may not be as glitzy as the fun presents, but if it’s something they’ll get a lot of use out of, it will be appreciated. Clothing, sports equipment, a hobby related item, or accessories are always useful!

I’ll read it! If you know the types of books they like to read, go for it! But you can also consider a magazine subscription, a bookstore gift card, or an electronic book reader. Magazines are a double gift because kids love mail, and something coming to their home every month truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

Let’s do it! A family gift is one that makes the whole family happy. Gifting a family with a membership to a museum, tickets to an event, movie tickets, craft items, or something simple like board games for game night are all presents the whole family can enjoy.

I’ll remember it! Giving a keepsake item is gift that lasts a lifetime. Ornaments, photo albums, or a family heirloom are all wonderful ways to pass on memories, and family traditions. You can also make items such as a handprint picture from the child, photobook, or picture frames.

You know who else loves the holiday season?  Grinches, aka household burglars.  So what better time to get yourself a gift:  a brand new security alarm system to help you keep what’s yours, and keep would-be intruders out.  For more information and a free in-home consultation, contact Now Security today.

How to Make the Most of National Family Month.

National Family Month.Families come in all shapes and sizes. Whether it’s a single parent and child, three generations living under one roof, or a blended family – no matter – a family is made up of people who love, encourage, and support each other unconditionally.

Every year, the five-week span between Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day is officially designated as National Family Month. Created by KidsPeace and recognized by Congress in 1998, National Family Month provides an opportunity for parents, grandparents and caregivers to recognize the importance of family involvement in the lives of their children. Because it coincides with the end of the school year, National Family Month also encourages families to spend time together, renew relationships, and grow and strengthen the family unit over summer vacation.

Here are 5 simple ways to spend more quality time with your family this month, and all year long.

Start a new tradition.

Whether it’s hosting a cousins’ sleepover the last Friday of the month, a Sunday family dinner, or planting an annual vegetable garden, traditions connect and give us something to look forward to and pass down to future generations.

Reach out to extended family.

If you have family that you see seldom see, reach out to them. In today’s world, there’s no excuse for not staying connected.

Get the kids involved in household chores.

While they might not be so eager to dust or fold the laundry, involving kids in household chores at an early age will foster responsibility and help instill a strong work ethic. Plus, since many helping hands make for lighter work, everyone can enjoy more time together when the chores are completed.

Give your family your undivided attention.

Put a ban on electronics during family time. The emails, phone calls, and games can wait, as can other distractions. Being physically and emotionally present for 30 minutes is more impactful and important than being physically present but distracted for 2 hours.

Here at Now Security, ours is a family of home and commercial security professionals dedicated to your safer and more secure environment.  And if that contributes even a little to a happier home life for you and yours, that’s the icing on the cake that adds meaning to everything we do.  Don’t already have a security system or unhappy with your current security management company?  Give us a call and request a no-cost proposal designed to meet your particular security needs.

Holiday Home Safety Tips

Once again, ‘tis the season for festive decorations, family gatherings, and holiday merriment. Unfortunately, it’s also the season for home fires. In fact, the National Fire Protection Agency states that a home fire is most likely to occur during the months of December and January, and that’s directly attributable to various holiday season activities.

So, as you prepare to welcome friends loved ones, follow these 10 safety tips to help ensure your home is a warm, inviting and safe place to gather.

  • Holiday Home Safety TipsOpt for a fresh-cut vs. pre-cut tree as the former is less likely to dry out and become brittle. Still, if pre-cut is how you roll, cut 2” off the bottom just before placing it in the stand so it will absorb more water.
  • If you’re buying an artificial tree, make sure it’s labeled “fire-retardant.”
  • Real or fake, place your Christmas tree at least 3 feet away from any heat source, such as a fireplace, candles, radiator, or heat vent.
  • Purchase only those holiday season light sets certified by an independent testing laboratory, such as UL.
  • Prior to hanging lights, check each strand to make sure it works. Also, inspect it for loose connections, frayed wires, or cracked bulbs.
  • Consider switching over to LED lights, a more energy efficient choice that’s also cool to the touch.
  • If you’re adding a little holiday sparkle outdoors, use clips – not nails – to hang your lights. Also, use only those lights and wires designated for outdoor use.
  • To prevent over-heating, avoid connecting more than 3 strands of traditional lights into a single extension cord (LED lights allow for more). Also, avoid using more than one extension cord for each string of lights.
  • As tempting as it may be to leave your Christmas tree and outdoor lights on at night, turn them off before going to bed or when leaving the house.
  • Discard the Christmas tree once it starts drying out and dropping needles. A dry tree is a serious fire hazard.

For your added protection, now is a great time to test and replace the batteries in your smoke detectors.  Or, how about replacing those with hard-wired smoke and carbon monoxide detectors for your heightened peace of mind.  Now Security not only installs but monitors fire prevention alarms 24/7, which means someone’s always watching out for signs of trouble, even when you’re asleep or not at home.  Contact Now Security today for more information and a free in-home quote.

How to Keep Cats Off Your Kitchen Counters

December is that time of year for all kinds of new and interesting things, including new pets. Sure, “Let’s get the kids a kitten and teach them responsibility along the way” is an oft-repeated refrain during the holiday season, and a great one at that.

But we’ll let you in on a little secret: no matter how much you think your children might learn by suddenly becoming pet owners, you probably have as much to learn as they do – especially if this is your first pet or, at least, your first new pet in a long time.

Cats Off Your Kitchen CountersLet’s take kittens, for example, and one of their very favorite habits: jumping up on your kitchen counters and any other similar surface within their leaping range, which is considerable. And yet young, not-totally-trained cats love kitchen counters more than any other surface you might consider out of bounds, even if there’s nothing there for them to eat.

And while you might find that behavior cute at first, it’s one to be discouraged from the get-go to help prevent your new kitten from accidentally breaking dishes or ingesting something that could cause them harm. Plus, it’s more than a little unsanitary, no matter how faithful you are in keeping your cat clean.

So from our house to yours, here are several tips for “teaching” your kitten that your kitchen counters are strictly off limits:

  • Cats hate the feeling of aluminum foil on their paws, so by lining your countertops with aluminum foil, you’ll encourage a bunch of quick exits. When it’s time to prepare a meal, simply fold up the kitty training aluminum foil and save it for later. Otherwise, this could become a pretty costly training method.
  • Despite what you may have heard from others, spraying your cat with water isn’t terribly effective. Yes, they don’t like it, but not so much that it deters their hunting and exploring instincts. So here’s what one enterprising cat lover came up with as an alternative: grab a cookie sheet or two and place them on your countertops so only about half of their surface area is on the counter, with the other half hanging over the floor. Once a cat jumps up on one of those, it’s bound to go tumbling to the floor, cat and all, with a good loud crash to keep it company. Turns it out it’s a very effective teaching tool.
  • Cats also hate the feeling of sandpaper on their feet, so if you have the patience, you have the means to discourage cat-on-the-counter syndrome until Fluffy finally gets the idea that jumping up on the kitchen counter is not going to be a pleasant experience.
  • You can also make your kitchen counter less inviting in the first place. You know, doing things like closing your blinds so the counter doesn’t invite sun bathing, and clearing dishes immediately rather than leaving them in the sink.
  • And lastly, cats are not overly found of peppermint spray, so by spraying some on your countertops, you will be helping to keep them on the floor and in search of some other area for mischief making.

If you’re a cat owner who has to leave your pet unattended all day while everyone’s off either working at school, you might want to consider installing one or more video inspection cameras so you can effectively keep your eye on them, especially while they’re still in the new kitten phase and not quite used to rules of the house. For information about video cameras and monitoring, or any other home security or surveillance product, contact Now Security Systems today.

How to Beef Up Your Home Security

You want to protect your home, and the people in it. That goes without saying.

Still, did you know that you could be making some very common mistakes that make your home a relative easy target for burglars? A great first step to improving your home’s security is to look at it through the eyes of a criminal and ask yourself these questions:

  • Home SecurityAre there any areas around my home that would allow a bad guy to break in without being seen?
  • Is my house well-lit at night?
  • Are any doors or windows unlocked? Can valuables easily be seen from the street?
  • Do our daily routines make it easy for a burglar to figure out the best time to hit my house?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re got some work to do, starting with these common-sense home security tips:

  • Install window and door shades to make it a little more difficult to see if someone is home.
  • Upgrade locks on all doors and windows and keep them locked when you’re not home or going to sleep. Choose an exterior door solution that includes a grade 1 deadbolt.
  • Set interior lights and TVs on timers to create the illusion that someone is home even when they’re not.
  • Install motion-controlled outdoor lighting.
  • Trim back overgrown plantings to prevent intruders from hiding behind shrubs while prying open a door or window.
  • Keep garage doors and sheds closed even when you’re at home. Otherwise, thieves can spot items they may want to steal later.
  • Keep car doors locked and windows closed at all times and never leave valuables in plain sight.
  • Put home improvement tools and ladders away. Otherwise, a burglar could easily use a ladder to access an unlocked upper story window, or use a hammer to pry bar to gain access into your home.

Also, if you don’t already have a home burglar alarm system, now might just be the time. At Now Security, we custom design each system, one at a time, for residential and commercial applications. We even have our own app that allows you to keep an eye on things with your phone or tablet from from any place with a Wi-Fi connection. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote on a burglar alarm system, or to discuss switching your current system over to Now Security Systems.


Holiday Season Home Security Tips

Very few people would argue the fact that “there’s no place like home for the holidays.”

Regardless of your ethnic background or religious persuasion, there’s just something special about the roughly 6 weeks that starts around Thanksgiving and ends shortly after New Year’s Day. Warm and inviting decorations, sumptuous cooking and baking odors, more company than usual to share it with, sons and daughters home from college – what’s not to love?

We know you agree, and so do burglars who love this time of year, as it frequently means more goodies and cash up for grabs, and easier access to your home. But it doesn’t have to be easy pickings – not if you observe a handful of proven effective home security measures:

  • Holiday Season Home Security TipsKeep gifts and other valuables away from uncovered windows. You’ve worked hard to buy those gifts, and you should have the privilege of giving them to the recipients of your choice. Advertising them to passersby, however, could rob you of that opportunity.
  • Be predictable. This includes putting your outdoor and indoor holiday lights on automatic timers so they come on and go off at the same time every day. That prevents thieves from figuring out the exact timing of your comings and goings.
  • Lock all your windows and doors before going to bed at night or leaving your house empty of people. At the same time, don’t run any electrical wires through windows as that makes it easier to pry them open.
  • Bring that spare key back inside. This is a good time of year to bring that spare key back inside. But if you have to leave one, ask a neighbor to hold it for you or your kids. Or, at worst, change the location every couple of days, put the key in not-so-obvious places, and don’t let anyone see you moving or accessing it.
  • Be wary of unexpected service people or door-to-door sales people. In all cases ask to see identification, even if they purport to be from a well-known charity and are outfitted accordingly. You never know how somebody may have come by that particular garb.
  • Don’t broadcast your gifts on social media. That includes the ones you’ve purchased and those you’ve received. Facebook and other social media are open portals for people of ill-repute to plan their next home “visit.”

Helping people all over Connecticut beef up their home security is out job and our privilege. If you don’t have a home security system, we can install exactly the right one for your home and budget in very short order. Or maybe you have a security system but you’re not happy with your monitoring company – there’s one more reason to contact Now Security Systems. Call us and let us know how we can help.

Effective Bathroom Safety Features

When we think of home security, we tend to think of keeping burglars and vandals at bay, having a safe electrical wiring system, fire and carbon monoxide alarms, and things of that nature.

But there’s a lot more to home security and family safety than that. Take your bathroom, for example. Did you know that that the number one for emergency room visits is injury caused by slipping and falling in family bathrooms? What’s more, the people most often victimized are seniors and children 15 and younger.

Here some effective ways to make each bathroom in your home a safer environment for every member of your family:

  • Effective Bathroom Safety FeaturesWalk-in tubs. The older and/or less nimble one becomes, the greater the likelihood of falling while stepping over the side of a tub to gain entry. The solution? A walk-in tub with a very low threshold that can be easily navigated with much greater ease.
  • Non-slip floors. There are a host of new flooring materials that are known for their slip-free quality: cork, rubber, non-glazed ceramic tile, and others.
  • Grab bars. Many bathroom accidents occur while standing up from the toilet or entering or exiting the tub of shower. Most can be prevented with the strategic placement of well-anchored grab bars.
  • Handheld showerhead. The more people move around in the tub or shower, the more likely they are to slip and fall. One way to prevent that is with a hand-held showerhead to eliminate the need to turn around to clean your entire body.
  • Anti-scald shower valves. Ever have the shower water suddenly turn crazy hot on you, just because someone else turned on a faucet or flushed a toilet? That’s another “accident waiting to happen” that can be prevented by installing an anti-scald shower valve.

These are just a few of the ways you can enhance family safety and security. But when it comes to protecting them against unwanted intrusion, nothing beats a custom-designed home security system custom-designed and professionally monitored by Now Security Systems. Contact us today to request a free and no-obligation quote.

Battery Powered vs. Hardwired CO Detectors: Which are Better?

Battery Powered vs. Hardwired CO DetectorsWith the start of fall right around the corner and “you know what” sneaking up right behind it, we’ll all be headed back indoors soon for the bulk of our waking hours.

And while your home is your haven in many ways, it can’t do a very good job of protecting your family all by itself. It needs some help from its friends and, in this case, you’re the best friend it has. The one in charge of beefing up security so all concerned can stay, secure, and comfortable.

One way to provide all that for your family is with carbon monoxide detectors placed at strategic points around your home. In this regard, you have two basic options: battery powered, the kind you install or yourself. Or, Option B: hard-wired CO detectors with battery-back-ups, and all connected to a central monitoring station as provided by your choice of a home security company.

So, what’s the better choice? Option B, and by a landslide, and here’s all the proof you need:

  • Battery powered CO detectors need to be faithfully maintained by testing, re-testing, and replacing batteries. Hardwired detectors are being monitored for you, and require no such ongoing maintenance.
  • Battery powered detectors, for the most part, are set to trigger when CO can already have caused drowsiness, thus raising the possibility that whoever’s sleeping may not even hear the alarms. By contrast, hardwired CO detectors are for more sensitive and pick up the presence of CO at very low levels of emission. That gives you plenty of time to act, and plenty of time for your monitoring center to notify the authorities.
  • Battery powered CO detectors trigger one at a time, further increasing the possibility that an alarm won’t be heard in time to prevent bodily harm. On the other hand, when one hardwired CO detector alarm goes off, they signal the others so they’re all sounding the alarm at the same time. And even Rip Van Winkle himself couldn’t sleep through that.

When you come right down to, battery powered CO detectors just will not give you the kind of protection we know you want. To learn more about the protective power of hardwired CO detectors backed by our professional and 24/7/365 monitoring service, contact Now Security Systems today.

How to Protect Yourself Against Home Burglaries

Protect Yourself Against Home BurglariesThey say timing is everything? Well how’s this for timing: one American home is burglarized, on average, every 15 seconds. The average haul? About $2,000 worth of cash, jewelry, electronics, and more.

When you read statistics like that, all thoughts suddenly go to installing or beefing up your home security system. Is that enough protection to keep you out of the every-15-seconds group? Probably not. That’s why Now Security Systems presents these additional suggestions for keeping the burglars out, and your valuables in, right where they belong:

  • Keep your bushes and shrubs well-trimmed to make them less desirable and effective hiding places.
  • Use window treatments to keep valuable items out of view, or don’t put them near windows in the first place.
  • Don’t advertise new luxury purchases by putting the big boxes they came in out on the curb with the rest of your trash. This is especially important during the holiday season.
  • Call your home electrician and ask him about such home security options as motion-sensitive lighting, footpath lighting, keypad lighting, and more.
  • If you travel extensively or frequently arrive home after dark, consider installing one or more timers to automatically turn on your lights to always maintain the impression that someone is home.
  • Since the majority of home burglaries take place at ground level, you want the best protection possible in the form of wood or stainless steel doors, dead bolt security locks, keeping your windows locked, and so on.

And yes, by all means consider adding or beefing up your home security system, where a burglar alarm system is just one of several available options. For more information or to schedule a free in-home quote, contact Now Security Systems today.