“Can I have a home security system without a landline?”

“Dinosaur” is both a great and multi-purpose word, don’t you think?

All at once it conjures up images of creatures who roamed the continents in search of food, water, safe nesting areas, and little else all those millions of years ago while also referring to anything else that is already or about to become extinct.  You know, like, “VHS tapes have gone the way of the dinosaur.”

Well, now there’s another endangered species slowly but steadily slipping into the mists of our memory banks:  the telephone landline.  We needn’t debate whether that’s a good or bad thing; we simply need to acknowledge that partial or total extinction is all but assured – the only question left to be answered is “when”.

home security system without a landlineFor some, that represents one less monthly bill to pay and little else.  For others, it’s a concern and for a very practical reason.  We’re talking about Connecticut home owners with security alarm systems, those that signal security monitoring providers via home phone lines. Which begs the question: “If I give up my landline will that render my home security system useless?”

The answer is a resounding “no”.  Here at Now Security Systems, for example, we still provide landline monitoring connections if that’s what you prefer.  But we offer a second and, for most of our customers, far superior alternative:  the StarLink Alarm Communicator that comes with an app you can download to any computer or mobile device.  Among other things, you can use your app to arm and disarm your system remotely from any location with a Wi-Fi connection.

StarLink can take the place of or be used to back up your landline to communicate signals to our monitoring center.  Like a smart, advanced technology cellphone, StarLink works on today’s most modern cellular networks (GSM and CDMA) and transmits your security system’s high priority signals wirelessly, digitally and dependably.

So if you’re letting a little thing like your lapsed landline service stop you from obtaining the peace of mind that only a well-designed home security system can afford, contact Now Security Systems today and ask us about our StarLink Alarm Communicator.