Don’t Let Smart Home Devices Outsmart You

Today we are more connected than ever. Technology has made it possible to lock or unluck your car from just about anywhere with the swipe of a smartphone, to skip the coffee shop line and have your order ready and waiting, have your lights turned on and off for added security and convenience, and so much more.

Yet, with its ability to simplify our lives, smart home technology also can make them more complicated. Here are 6 things you can do ensure that the smarter your home, the simpler and safer it becomes.

Look for compatible products. If your goal is complete home automation, make sure the products you choose are compatible with each other.

Complete all suggested updates. App and device updates often include security upgrades, so complete them when prompted to gain full value.

Home Devices Outsmart You

Pace yourself. Sure, it’s tempting to purchase everything “cool” or helpful all at once. But doing so can cause you to skimp on the details and thereby not receive full benefits from each smart home purchase.

Consider your internet limitations. An increase in Wi-Fi compatible devices could result in reduced internet speed, so be prepared to up your bandwidth.

Remove login info when moving. If you’re leaving any home automation devices behind, be sure to clear your login info.

Is it really smart? Not all smart devices are as smart as they sound. If the task is already easy, like pressing “brew” on your coffee maker, automating it might be more hassle than it’s worth.

Now Security also has ventured into the smart home arena. Our home security systems come equipped with an app so you can access your system from any place with a Wi-Fi connection.  That way, you can keep an eye on your home while you’re gone, disarm and arm the system from afar, and more. Contact us today for a free in-home security analysis and new system proposal.