Fun Facts About Connecticut

What a storied history our country has even though, in the overall scheme of things, we’re still in our infancy.

Still, in the relatively short amount of time we’ve been a nation, remarkable things have happened, far too many to absorb all at once. So, in honor of the occasion, Now Security Systems is pleased to present these fun facts about our home state – Connecticut.

  • Before Europeans settled New England, Connecticut was inhabited by multiple Native American tribes. The name “Connecticut” stems from the word “Quinnehtukqut,” which means “land on a long tidal river, or “upon the long river”.
  • Arriving in 1614, the first settlers in the state were the Dutchmen. The Dutch were fur traders who built a fort near present-day Hartford.
  • In 1901, the first law regulating the speed of a motor vehicle was imposed in Connecticut. Initially, the law restricted the drivers not to exceed 12 mph.

Fun Facts About Connecticut

  • The Scoville Memorial Library in Connecticut is the oldest public library in the U.S. It was established in 1771 by a local man named Richard Smith.
  • Did you know when and where the first hamburger in the United States was made?Louis’ Lunch in New Haven, Connecticut is the first and the oldest still operating hamburger serving restaurant in the U.S.
  • The New Haven District Telephone Company published the first ever telephone book in New Haven in February 1878. It contained 15 contacts.
  • Before professional sports or pro wrestling hit the airwaves, Waterbury, Connecticut made history for hosting the country’s first women-only golf tournament in 1917—two years before female citizens gained the right to vote.

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  • Lyme disease was first identified in 1975 after a group of people who lived near Lyme, CT complained of odd arthritic symptoms. Physicians examined them, and realized their condition was tied to tick season.
  • Connecticut’s state song is “Yankee Doodle,” its state insect is the praying mantis, and its state animal is the sperm whale.

We hope this brief tribute to our great state encourages you to do a little added reading and investigating of your own.  As for all of us here at Now Security, we’re proud call Connecticut home, and equally proud to serve so many of its citizens.

There’s plenty more to learn about Connecticut, including that as recently as 15,000 years ago it was covered by a glacier. We hope you’ve enjoyed this little walk down memory lane.