Home Moving Tips from the Pros

Let’s face it, moving from one home to another is stressful under the best of circumstances. Yet it all can proceed more smoothly and efficiently with the right mindset, strategy, and attention to detail.

Follow these tried and true tips to make your big day as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

Home Moving Tips from the Pros

Should it stay or should it go? Take a thorough inventory of everything you own before you start packing, then decide what comes and what needs to go. For example, do you really need that beat up desk that’s been collecting dust in your basement for years? How about all eight spatulas? Have a tag sale or donate those belongings you really don’t need to bring to your next home.

Pack important documents separately. Use a water-resistant plastic bin to pack up insurance policies, tax documents, passports, wills, and other vital records. That way, they are less likely to get damaged and will be easier to locate later among the sea of brown boxes.

Plan the move. The end of the month is usually the busiest time for moving companies, so as soon as you have an exact date, call to schedule. Otherwise, you might find yourself hiring a not-so-stellar moving service or pulling in favors from friends and family.

Snap a pic. Before unplugging your TV, gaming consoles, computers, and other electronics, snap a picture of the connections so you know exactly how to hook everything back up.

Keep essentials on hand. Things don’t always go according to plan. Gather up some water, snacks, medications, a first aid kit, and anything else you might need to keep going on moving day.

Pack boxes by room. Save time and reduce stress by packing and labeling boxes by room. Once you arrive at your new home, bring the boxes right to the corresponding room. And be sure to balance out the weight of boxes. Pack lighter items in larger boxes and heavier items in smaller boxes. Fill any empty space with newspapers, pillows, throws, or towels.

Keep things shut with plastic wrap. Wrap dresser drawers and doors with plastic wrap to keep them from opening during the move. This also protects the furniture from dings and scratches. What’s more, you can leave your belongings inside to reduce the number of items you’ll need to pack and unpack.

Before taking up residence in your new home, ask the sellers about their security system. What did they like and not like about it? Who monitored it for them? Were they happy with the service, and so on. The idea is you want it ready to go from day one. Or, if the house is not already equipped with such a system, contact Now Security Systems today so we can install exactly what you need before you spend even one night there.