How to Adjust to Daylight Savings Time

For all the looking ahead to spring you do, you also have it in your head that the very morning after you turn the clocks ahead, you lose an hour’s worth of sleep.  Is that necessarily true?  Not if you stay in bed that Sunday morning until you’re no longer tired.  Then all you’ve lost is one hour of activity that you’ll get back in early November.

But since perception is nine-tenths of reality, even when it comes to daylight savings tip, here are some tips on how to adjust to the new spring and summer hours.

Daylight Savings Time

Get a head start: Instead of waiting for the time change to hit, start adjusting a week or so ahead of time by going to be about 10 minutes earlier each night.

Create a sleep environment: Creating the right environment for sleep is good advice year-round, but it’s especially important when sleep can be disrupted. Start winding down for bed an hour before you’d like to be sleeping. Turn off all the electronics, wash up and change for bed, read or meditate, have a warm cup of tea, and then turn all the lights off for dream time. Getting used to a routine means that your body will be naturally cued on going to sleep when you begin these steps – no matter what time it is.

Stop looking at the clock: For up to two weeks following the time change people are fond of saying “Yes, but it’s really an hour earlier!” The point is, the less attention you pay to the time change, the faster your spring schedule will become the new normal.

Be flexible: Remind yourself that you have no problem staying up late and getting less sleep when going out for the evening, so why should the eve of daylight savings time be different?

Soak in the tub:  Taking a hot bath is an excellent way to slow down before bedtime. Not only does it relax you, but raises your body temperature, as well. Once you exit the tub, your body temperature lowers, just as it does when you go to sleep.  Now, you’re one step closer to dream time.

With daylight savings time also comes warmer weather, and that means more open windows and doors.  Well, it’s also important to keep in mind that crime generally increases in the spring, so please be sure to lock your doors and windows before leaving the house, and to arm your home security system accordingly.  Don’t already have one?  Then contact Now Security Systems to request a free home security analysis and proposal.