How to De-Clutter Your Home

You buy something. You love it. You keep it. Six months later you’re sick of it. And then you forget you even have it.

That’s how clutter starts, and once that happens, sometimes there’s just no end in sight. Until, that is, one day you can’t find anything and suddenly realize it’s time for the forgotten or useless items to go.

Aha, but this is a battle, one you’re determined to win. So don’t just dive in helter-skelter. Start with a plan, and here’s some advice to get you headed in the right direction.

De-Clutter Your Home

Kitchen Command Central. Sure, our meetings and appointments might look a little different now, but they’re no less important than before. So, to keep on track with the week ahead, use a corkboard or chalk board to show this week’s menu, grocery list, and little reminders. Add a family calendar to keep track of music and dance lessons, virtual family get-togethers, and more.

Table for Four? Let’s say you’re a family of four. Yet you have enough cups, glasses, and dishes for 30 – perhaps it’s time to let some of them go. Keep a few extras for the occasional breakage or when company stops by but toss those that go unused day in and day out, have chips or cracks, or you’ve simply outgrown.

Purge the Closets. Here’s a good rule of thumb: if you haven’t worn it in a year, it doesn’t fit, or no longer represents your personal style, donate it. Ask yourself “Would I buy this today, in this exact size?” The answer will let you know what to do next.

Attack the Linen Closet. If you open your linen closet and see mismatched sheets, threadbare towels, and a satin duvet from 1990, maybe it’s time to bid them a fond farewell. Reach out to your local animal shelter; they typically welcome donations of old sheets and towels. Use bins to store complete sheet sets, or simply stuff folded fitted and top sheets into matching pillowcases.

Everything but the Kitchen Sink. What’s inside the cabinet below your sink? Hopefully, plumbing and maybe a garbage disposal. But if you can’t easily access either because of all the clutter, it’s time to organize! Corral your cleaning supplies into a caddy, use hooks on the back of the cabinet doors to hang dishtowels, and add an expandable shelf organizer to keep needed items within easy reach.

Medicine Cabinet Clean-Out. Expired cough syrup, old perfume, and that electric toothbrush you never used should not occupy your medicine cabinet. Find out when your town is holding its next prescription drug take-back to rid the cabinet of any medications you no longer take or have expired. Toss expired ointments and over-the-counter medicine, following your town’s guidelines, and use a small basket to store tweezers, scissors, and other such items.

Media Mayhem. We all remember heading out to the video store on a Friday night and getting the latest releases, plus a few old favorites for the weekend. Yet if you have VHS tapes and DVDs but not the equipment to view them, perhaps it’s time to let go. While you’re at it consider getting rid of gaming consoles that go unused and streamlining all those power cords with a zip-tie.

And then there’s your security alarm system. How old is it? Who monitors it – do you even remember? If it’s that old, maybe it’s time to replace it with a system that provides even greater home and personal security. Contact Now Security Systems today for a free in-home security analysis.