How to Make the Most of a Power Outage

Power OutageThe electricity’s gone out, and your kids can’t wrap their heads around the idea that their tablets and smart phones don’t work.  Not to mention the lights, TV, or anything else electronic.  In such an instance, their frustration is bound to amplify yours, thus making matters worse for everyone.

Which means now’s the time to plan now for your next power outage, and how to get through it with your nerves fully intact.

Plan ahead: Keep electronics charged up and have a supply of batteries available if you know a storm is on its way. Also, keep games, toys, and other supplies close by so you don’t have to stumble through a dark house looking for them.

Make a survival kit: Make up separate kits for different family members. You can use a box or a storage basket, and fill it with the essentials including craft items like glue sticks, paper, markers, glitter, scissors, activity books, and stickers. You also can pack in snacks, juice boxes, and individual flashlights so everyone can find what they need right away.

Flashlight games: Flashlights are good for more than just finding your way in the dark.  How about playing games like flashlight tag, flashlight hid-and-seek, and making shadow puppets. Once again, just make sure you have plenty of batteries.

Old School it: Old games that don’t need batteries like playing house, dolls, blocks, action figures, and Legos all provide lots of entertainment and can be played alone or with friends.

Group games: One of the best things about a power outage is that it gives the whole family a chance to put down their electronics and play together. There are lots of group games to play such as board games, card games, pick up sticks, hangman, or even building a fort or an obstacle course. Use your imaginations and you might even be looking forward to the next time the power goes out!

How about your security alarm system – does it depend on electricity to help protect your home and family?  If so, it’s time to contact Now Security to learn about the many advantages of a security system that can be monitored with a simple Wi-Fi connection so you never have to worry about your system being down.