How to Prepare Your Garage for Winter

You don’t always think of your garage as part of your home, at least not in terms of counting square footage. But it’s still an integral part of what makes a house a home.

As such, your garage needs upkeep and preventive maintenance too – especially come winter.

Here are 6 steps to get your garage winter ready.

Declutter and Organize – Donate anything you no longer need and organize the rest. If needed, install wall racks to keep skis, winter gear, and shovels off the floor yet within reach. Add shelving to store miscellaneous items like lawn and garden tools, warm weather toys and sports equipment. Finally, sweep the floor and inspect the floors and walls for cracks, signs of water intrusion, and evidence of pests.

Garage for Winter

Weatherize – Re-caulk doors and windows to prevent warm air from escaping. Also, replace brittle, cracked, or missing weather-stripping where needed. Don’t forget to check garage door rollers and cables for wear and tear. Lubricate all moving parts to ensure easy operation.

Insulate – Install fiberglass batt insulation in unfinished areas and cover exposed plumbing pipes with foil or installation. Seal exteriors windows with weatherproof plastic film.

Water Heater – If your water heater is in your garage – or any unheated area of the home, for that matter – cover it with a water heater blanket to reduce energy costs and conserve heat. This simple step could save you up to 16 percent in water heating costs.

Liquids and Chemicals – Properly dispose of old paint, stains, and other potentially toxic items, and move those you intend to keep into cabinets or other temperature-controlled areas.

Tools and Supplies – Protect metal tools from rust by cleaning and storing them in a toolbox or airtight drawer. If your lawnmower and hedge trimmer have made their last cuts of the season, clean them as well. Ensure that your snowblower is ready for another snowy season and stock up on sand and salt. Replace any damaged snow shovels and ice scrapers.

How about your home security system – does it include your garage? It should, especially if access can be gained through a window or exterior door. Contact Now Security Systems today for more information and a free in-home security analysis.