How to Prevent Home Burglaries

Home burglaries are like most other problems.  Meaning, the best remedy is to prevent burglaries in the first place.

Then again, maybe you’re already doing enough to keep your home burglar-free. Before you attempt to answer that to your complete satisfaction, here are a couple of Connecticut crime statistics that might just surprise you:

  • On average, there are 63,509 property-related crimes committed each year
  • That number equates to 17.7 property crimes for every 1,000 people
  • 10,045 of the total are home burglaries
  • 7,107 are auto thefts


The conclusion? Burglars are busy people and they’re most likely to strike where they have the most to gain. Maybe even your house?

  • To help better protect what’s yours, here’s some helpful advice from Now Security Systems:
  • Don’t leave windows and doors open or unlocked even when running a quick errand or taking your dog for walk.
  • Don’t let mail pile up or your lawn remain untended while you’re on vacation.
  • Leave one or more interior lights on before going out for the evening.
  • Better yet, equip your home with a lighting control system that enables you to program which lights turn on and off, and when.
  • Keep bushes and shrubs trimmed back from windows, otherwise you’re giving burglars a place to hide before attempting a break-in.
  • Don’t allow sales people or those claiming to be utility workers, etc. in, unless you have a scheduled appointment or otherwise can verify their identity and affiliation.
  • Have a back-up plan for package delivery for those times you’re not at home.
  • Don’t leave a garage door opener in plain view or in an unlocked car.
  • Invest in an outdoor security lighting system, including motion-detection spotlights.
  • Install a home security system, with a control panel where it can be seen from the street, even if it’s in front of a mirror.

At Now Security Systems, we have all the latest equipment and experience necessary to add greatly to your burglary defenses and your family’s peace of mind. Contact us today for more information and a free in-home security analysis.