How to Reduce Static Electricity

Pretend you’re a kid again.  Winter rolls around and one day, by accident, you’re walking in your socks, touch a metal door handle and zap…static electric shock.  You tell your Mom about and explains the phenomenon as best she can.  Then you snag your older sibling to see if they’ve discovered the same sensation in the same way as you.

Cutting to the chase, sooner or later you start to see the humor in it.  You know, like rubbing a balloon across your head to make your hair stand up on end.

Reduce Static Electricity

Now, back to the present day. Where static electricity isn’t fun anymore.  It’s annoying and it hurts. What can you do to make it stop?  Here are a few effective means.

First, you can have a whole-house humidifier installed. It adds just the right amount of moisture to your home.  And a home that’s less dry is less prone to static electricity. 

Here’s what else you can do:

  • Don’t drag your feet. Static electricity is created when you drag your feet across a carpet.
  • Use antistatic mats. Place these in all entryways and other high traffic areas.  Antistatic mats prevent static electricity from charging and causing you unnecessary shocks and pain.
  • Use dryer sheets. Why get zapped when you pull sheets or towels out of the dryer when you can now avoid it.
  • Use lotion on your hands and feet. If you can’t moisturize your home, you can at least can moisturize your body.

Reducing static electricity is one more way to safeguard your family during our long, dry winters.  Contact Now Security Systems today to learn how we can help too…24/7.