How to Safely Decorate Your Home for the Holidays.

These aren’t huge numbers, but they’re certainly worth paying attention to.

  • There is an average of 260 Christmas tree fires each year resulting in human loss, numerous injuries, and millions in property damage.
  • In addition, holiday lighting mishaps account for another 150 or so home fires each year, causing plenty of damage and harm on their own.

Being in the home security business, it’s not just our job to protect our customers after the fact. We also feel a responsibility to help you prepare in advance, so these kinds of accidents don’t happen.

So, for a safer and happier holiday season, please take these safety tips to heart:

Christmas Tree Safety

  1. Pick a fresh tree. Fresh trees are much less likely to catch fire, according to the American Christmas Tree Association. If purchasing a real Christmas tree, it’s essential to choose a tree with green needles, regardless of the type of tree. Signs of a fresh tree include soft and flexible needles that don’t easily fall off when tugged gently.
  2. Keep it watered. Constant moisture is key, because a dried-out Christmas tree in a home is a recipe for disaster. In fact, a parched tree can burn, according to the NFPA. Experts recommend keeping a real tree well-watered to ensure it remains consistently moist.
  3. Sockets & wires. Don’t string more than two strands of lights together and plug as many into a power strip as you can. Limit your use of extension cords, too.
  4. Heat source. Keep your tree well away from baseboard, ceiling, or floor heating vents. Nothing can dry out a tree faster.
  5. Check the lights. Faulty lights can cause a tree to ignite, which is why it’s essential to check lights before stringing them or laying them across your mantel. The NFPA recommends using lights that are listed by a qualified testing lab like UL, and make sure you buy only indoor lights for your tree.

Indoor Lighting Safety Tips

  1. Check each lightbulb carefully. Check for nicks in the cord that can cause a shock hazard. If there are any cracked bulbs or frayed cords, throw them away and buy new LED string lights.
  2. Check extension cord for abrasions. If you find one or more, don’t tape them, replace them.
  3. Don’t plug in too many lights! Too many lights on the same circuit can cause it to blow. So, be sure to pay attention to the circuit rating on the label. This will tell you how many stringed lights your circuit can handle.
  4. Keep extension cords above rugs and other surfaces. Placing cords under rugs or other surfaces people walk on will eventually cause them to fray, creating a hazard all its own.

If you already have a home security alarm system or smoke and fire detectors that can notify you via Wi-Fi, you’ll have added security on your side. If not, contact Now Security Systems today so we can help keep your home and family safe and sound all year long.