How to Survive a Kitchen Remodel

You’ve scrimped and saved, budgeted and planned, and now it’s “go time” for your kitchen remodel. Congrats, we bet it’ll turn out fantastic, even though there’s no guarantee of a stress-free process.

Of course, you could always pack up and get out of Dodge during the process, but you can’t go too far since you’re still going to have a certain amount of day-to-day responsibilities.

So, ultimately, you decide to remain on the home front. Here are a few tips to help you get through the remodeling project unscathed.

How to Survive a Kitchen Remodel

Set realistic expectations. In the early stages of the project, it’s going to be noisy, messy, and nerve jarring. Surprises will pop up and your budget may take an unexpected hit. This would be a great time to work on letting go of control, having someone you trust co-manage the project with you, and take added steps to calm yourself – warm, candlelit baths can do wonders for the soul.

Get organized. Before demolition work gets underway, pack up your kitchen properly, getting rid of items that have outlived their usefulness. Place items in boxes or bins, label accordingly, and store in a designated area (ideally, away from the dust and debris of the construction zone).

Set up a mini kitchen. Carve out an area of your home where you can set up a coffee maker, electric teakettle, toaster, slow cooker, minifridge, and anything else that might come in handy during the transition. Don’t forget utensils, dishes, spices, and measuring cups. When picking the perfect locale for your makeshift kitchen, keep ease of clean-up and access to a working sink in mind.

Plan your meals, even if you normally don’t. While you may enjoy made-from- scratch buttermilk pancakes and crispy bacon every morning, washing a large batter bowl and grease-filled pan in your bathroom sink is no picnic. Go with food you can prepare quickly and with little clean-up, grill out whenever possible, and opt for pre-made grocery store items that require little more than a microwave or toaster.

Keep up with cleaning. Keep dish detergent, a sponge or scrub brush, lidded trash can, and clean dish towel near the sink you plan to use during the remodel. Scrape food off dishes and into the trash, wash them, dry completely, and place back in their designated areas.

Pick a room that is a “construction free zone”. Designate one room that is off limits to contractors, tools, and boxes. Some place you can escape to relax, enjoy and dine in, and briefly forget about the construction around you. We recommend a room that is not your bedroom and not directly adjacent to the kitchen.

Before starting a kitchen remodel, you may want to ensure your home security system is up to the challenge. After all, it’s likely people will be coming in and out all day – it’s critical that you know and trust them. Also, be very selective in who you give home keys to…the fewer the better.

Don’t already have a video camera surveillance system? Now’s a great time to contact Now Security Systems, a leading force in home security throughout Connecticut for all your family needs.