Important Safety Measures for Thanksgiving

The kitchen is the heart of the home. But during the holiday season, it quickly can turn into disaster central. With increased time spent prepping and cooking and getting the house holiday guest-ready, it’s easy to get distracted and fall victim to mishaps and dangers.

So, this Thanksgiving, take a few extra precautions to ensure your holiday celebration is joyous, festive, and worry-free.

Important Safety Measures for Thanksgiving

  • Make the kitchen a child- and pet-free zone so that while cooking and baking is underway, spills and touching hot surfaces can be eliminated.
  • While the turkey is roasting, do not leave your home for any reason without putting a responsible adult in charge of checking on the bird. And don’t leave food cooking on the stove unattended.
  • Use a timer or set an alarm to remind you to check on food at set intervals.
  • Don’t leave cords from small appliances like hand mixers and electric knives dangling off counters or tables where they can become a trip hazard.

Decorations help make a home feel festive and inviting, but some can spell trouble.

  • Avoid using real candles to add that warm glow. Instead, use flameless LED candles that still give off just the right amount of light without attendant dangers.
  • Before plugging anything in, check that the cord is not damaged. If you must use an extension cord, check for damage and don’t run it under area rugs where it can overheat and spark a fire.
  • Avoid using decorations that look like real food if you have small children around.

And if you’re hitting the road this Thanksgiving, follow these tips to help ensure your home is just how you left it upon your return.

  • Install motion-sensing lights around the exterior and a couple programmable light timers inside to give the appearance that someone is home.
  • Nothing screams “empty house” like an overflowing mailbox and a week’s worth of newspapers on the front lawn. Be sure to put a hold on mail delivery or ask a trusted neighbor to bring the mail in for you.
  • Don’t forget to leave the heat on to prevent pipes from freezing. Even 55 degrees will do it, but no lower just to play it safe.

As added safety precautions, test and replace (as needed) smoke alarm batteries. And, if you don’t already have a wall-mounted fire extinguisher in or near your kitchen, this is the perfect time to have one installed.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Now Security Systems.