New Year’s Food for Thought

When 2019 draws to a close, it won’t just be the end of the year. It will be the end of another decade. That makes this a doubly opportune time to reflect and look forward to what comes next in our lives.

Over the past year, maybe you started a family, changed careers, bought a house, become an empty-nester, or even retired. Or, maybe one or more of these events is on the near horizon, ready to help launch a new year and decade with a bang.

Whatever the future might hold, a little planning never hurts. Accordingly, we think you’ll find the following life events helpful to that purpose.

New Year’s Food for Thought


Between work, managing a home, and keeping track of after-school and extracurricular activities, it’s all too easy to put your personal health on the back burner, especially during the holidays. Yet you don’t have to wait until the New Year to make your health a priority. Set small, realistic goals that you can work towards, starting now. Pledge to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Grab a buddy and take a brisk 20-minute walk at least four times a week. Replace one high fat, high calorie food with a healthier option each day. Sign up for a spring 5K run that you can start preparing for now. Keep a journal or join a fitness group to help keep yourself accountable.


How long has it been since you’ve spoken to your sister? Do you even remember what the argument was about? Keep thinking about that friend from college you wish you could reconnect with? There’s no time like the present! Here’s a simple step on how to become a better friend, daughter, brother, or co-worker – if you’re thinking about someone, let them know, even if it feels like it’s been too long since your most recent contact. Pick up the phone, send a text, write a note, and don’t let another year (or decade!) go by without trying to improve soured relationships.

Education or Career

Whether you regret not going to college, not finishing your master’s degree, or feel like your career has hit a plateau, develop a plan you’re intent on adhering to. Research schools, polish up your resume or schedule a meeting with your boss to discuss your future with the company.


Not as smitten with your home as you once were but can never find the time or money to do anything about it? Open a separate savings account and pledge to add $25, $50, or $100 each week for home updates. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it adds up. In the meantime, use a little muscle and elbow grease to work on low or no-cost updates like decluttering the basement, painting the kitchen cabinets, or repairing grout and caulking.

At Now Security Systems, we take great pride and pleasure in the number of area families and businesses we assist in protecting people, property, and their very way of life.  As the new year and decade get underway, we look forward to doing more of the same.