Safe Home Essentials

How prepared are you for the possibility of a break-in, fire, or other home emergency? The truth is most people aren’t as prepared for worst-case scenarios as they might think – or like. Yet adding just a few essentials and precautions can greatly improve your family’s odds of staying safe even under adverse circumstances.

Here are 8 necessities every home should have.

Safe Home Essentials

First Aid Kit. Keep a fully stocked first aid kit in an easily accessible location in your home and car. It should contain sterile gauze in a variety of sizes, antiseptic wipes packets, assorted sized bandages, an instant cold compress, nonlatex gloves, tweezers, antibiotic ointment packets, oral thermometer, two packets of aspirin, a trauma pad, adhesive cloth tape…more is better, including a pair of scissors and tweezers.

Safety Ladder. Although we hope you never have to use it, having a multistory safety ladder can help you escape safely in the event of a fire.

Wi-Fi Thermostat. A Wi-Fi enabled thermostat not only allows you to control your thermostat from anywhere but can provide you with real-time alerts should your heating system fail. That way, you can take swift action to prevent frozen pipes and other hazards.

Motion Sensor Lights. Installed near points of entry, motion sensing lights can provide safe passage when arriving home after dark while deterring would-be intruders.

Fire Extinguisher. This must-have essential should be a fixture in every home. Store it in an easy to access area and make sure every adult in the household knows how to use it properly. It’s especially important to keep one in or near the kitchen.

Fireproof and Waterproof Safe. Keep valuables safe and secure from fire and water damage.

Emergency Contact Info. Keep numbers to poison control, non-emergency police, and primary doctor’s offices in clear view so that babysitters and care givers can access the help they need in the event of an emergency.

4-in-1 Emergency Tool. Pry open doors, shut off water and gas valves, dig through debris, and more with a 4-in-1 emergency tool. Choose one that is both rust-proof and spark-proof.

As you can see, most home safety essentials are designed for use while you’re home. But what happens when you’re not? That’s why it’s equally essential to outfit your home with a modern security alarm system. That’s our stock in trade, plus we have our own dedicated monitoring center that is operated 24/7 by our own experienced personnel. Contact Now Security Systems today for a free home security analysis and new system proposal.