Security Risks in Today’s Smart Home

Today you can practically run your home with the swipe of a smartphone or help from a variety of high-tech home gadgets. From brewing coffee and turning on the lights to refilling prescriptions and ordering groceries, today’s tech-savvy homeowner is more efficient than ever. Yet all these smart-home devices could be putting your safety and security at risk.

Here are 4 of the biggest threats posed by smart-home systems.

Identity Theft – If your smartphone and smart-speaker hold your personal information and these devices lack protection to ward off cyber threats, you could be sharing personal details like your date of birth, credit card information, and more with a determined hacker. Change your passwords routinely and never store your social security number on any smart device. Regularly monitor your financial accounts and credit report for any suspicious activity.

Security Risks in Today’s Smart Home

Password Access – All too often, we choose too-weak passwords to connect our smart devices. After all, that makes them easier to remember. But cutting corners with passwords could allow hackers to gain access to and tamper with these devices. Avoid virtual break-ins by choosing unique and complex passwords and use two levels of authentication for an added layer of protection.

Secret Recordings – Do you ever feel like someone is listening to every word you say? If you’re a parent, it’s likely not the kids! While on, smart speakers and other digital voice assistants listen continuously, which means hackers can find security loopholes to hack into the speaker and gain access to prior recordings. Be sure to periodically delete old recordings, unplug smart speakers when not in use, and avoid pairing security cameras and door locks with these devices.

Third-Party Platforms – While it may be convenient to remotely lock your doors, turn lights on and off, and adjust your thermostat with one mobile app or platform, but doing so through an unsecured third-party company can put you at risk. Use only authorized platforms to control all your smart home devices, even if it means downloading one for each function.

At Now Security Systems, we offer a full suite of services to help you protect your home and family. And there’s nothing more important than that. Contact us today to learn more and request a free in-home consultation.