Why You Should Test Your Security Alarm System

Here at Now Security Systems, we advise all our customers – residential and commercial alike – to test their alarm system monthly.  The goal, of course, is to make sure your system is properly communicating with our monitoring center; otherwise, there’s no point in having your system in the first place.

Security Alarm System

Another occasion for testing your system is any time you change or replace your phone or cable service.  That’s because, however inadvertently, a phone or cable installer could cause issues with your alarm system connectivity.  In that instance, we advise you to test your security system even before the phone or cable installer leaves your premises so if anything needs to be adjusted, it can be taken care of right away.

It may sound like a long shot, but trust us when we say we’ve witnessed countless such incidents.

Testing your system is roughly a 5-minute process, and a simple one at that.  Just give us a call at 203-281-1121 and we’ll talk you through it, a step at a time.

At Now Security Systems, delivering added peace of mind is our ultimate goal, and helping you test your security alarm system is one more way we provide it.